Bonzai allows you to integrate your custom audiences with the platform and then personalize your creatives to suit each of your audience segments.
NearBuy is a first-in-market data-driven creative solution that integrates a brand’s Google My Business (GMB) data into any ad format available with Bonzai to serve contextual information to their audience. NearBuy combines the ‘power of storytelling’ and the ‘convenience to act’ into one ad unit, making it a powerful branding + performance unit both rolled into one.
Assign your product data feed to a creative to generate unlimited variants automatically in real-time. The best part about our data feed solution is that we can sync your product feed data with your existing feed url in near real-time.
Curate a group of creatives and assign rules to them to deliver customized messages based on signals like Audience Segments, User Location, Weather, OS, Devices, Time and others.